Sunday, January 15, 2012


Why did I cut the string And let her go free!

Where did she know how to fly!
But I was aware of her dreams,
May she rise and kiss the sky
I too had such dreams and wish,
May she don’t fall; that is why
I  had  put  her  in   some   ties,
She needed to know how to fly
I let her learn amid hues & cries,
She leapt & fell as toddler’s try
out of sudden, then, she took a rise,
She kept on marching high & high
Leaving behind all audiences’ cries

Those boundless airs she had to taste!
Those dreamy clouds she had to touch!
That freedom she had to experience!

She kept on making me merry
As she strode each step and height,
My smile got faded suddenly
As I found her direction wasn’t right,
Lest she shouldn’t lose the way
I pulled the string and kept it tight,
But she took it in wrong way
As if I was envy of her rising flight,
She got irked, fumed and angry
And on my finger she put a bite.

I knew this was a misapprehension!
Tough to wander in this callous world!
So how could I leave her being alone!

Only I knew this misapprehension
But she had taken it as dire truth,
My each try to perfect her tension
She took as the her liberty-hurdle,
Who had given her taste of freedom;
She confronted that man of humble,
She made me feel of her high elevation
By biting deep my thumb and fingers,
She couldn’t comprehend my affection
Reluctantly, wounded hands let her go...

More  swiftly  she  marched   to   skies!
Expressing bliss over absolute freedom,
She walked elegantly free from all ties!


Holi Geet

  होली है रंगीले, मेरा रंग दे जिया  होली है रंगीले, मेरा रंग दे जिया आजा आज खेलें रंग आजा पिया  होली है रंगीले, मेरा रंग दे जिया आजा आज खेले...