Thursday, June 17, 2010

Could not say ‘bye’

Suppose you have to go somewhere by bus and you take a seat and the adjacent seat is vacant. Most of young generation boys hope that journey will be happier if a beautiful girl comes and asks you, ‘may i sit here?’ and you happily say ‘yeah, of course’. And this dream generally remains dream and you come out of this when a man in his 50’s puts his bums aside you with a sound ‘dhamm’. Then you generally travel that 3to 4 hours journey either in sleep mode or by peeping out of the bus window.

But this time my dream came into reality and i got a seat in the side of a girl, i mean a beautiful girl. The very first look about that girl was ‘girl in black’, a girl in black jeans and black shirt. The contrast in the colours of her attire and her fair skin was making her face more glow.

As i have read in physics that the charges of opposite nature attract each other with same magnitude. So this law was clearly applicable to this situation but here magnitude of attraction for both of us was same or not, i was not sure.

After a 4to5 km of journey having passed, i courageously asked to her, ‘are you studying in Delhi?’


‘What?’ i required.

‘C.A. and you ?’

‘I just completed B.Tech.’ ; i replied.

‘where from ?’ she asked.

‘NIT Jamshedpur , and today my 8th sem result will be declared’ i said.

‘oh...all the best’

‘Thanks’ , i said, ‘are u living in laxmi nagar?’

‘how did you know that i was living in laxmi nagar’. She asked.

‘By face reading’. i replied.

‘really?’ She surprisingly said.

‘no, i am just joking. Actually one of my friend is also pursuing CA and he is also living in Laxmi Nagar. So i just guessed.’

She smiled as if trying to say ‘very smart’.

The voice of that girl was very soft, sweet and magical so i wanted to talk to her more. So i asked more related to CA with the intension that i could listen her sweet voice.

‘How much time you have passed in Delhi for CA?’ i asked.

‘just two months’

She was seeming me in her 20’s , so i asked, ‘did you complete graduation this year?’

‘yeah, B.Com.’ she replied.

'If you don't mind may i come to know your name?', i added.

‘Uma’, She replied very softly.

‘sweet name’ i appreciated.


And i could not talk to her further because perhaps either she was tired or she had studied late in the last night or she was habitual of sleeping in the bus. So she slept putting her head on the window glass. And her closed eyes were appealing to me. So i wanted to say her something but i didn’t want to disturb her sleep. And i said it to her with my closed lips, ‘trust me, you would be more comfortable on my shoulder.’

I reached my destination, still she was sleeping. And so i could not say ‘bye’ to my fellow traveller.


    congratulating you first on having this type of sensuous and sensational experience cos evryone is not having "kismat" like you...and thanking you too for motivating us just like saying "picture abhi baki hai mere dost" (in motivational form).
    this one is my frank advice that next time if you find some one sleeping please don't let him sleep..(for us,we can get better news)..
    and anxiously waiting for ur new blogs.:-)


होली आई

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