Sunday, January 15, 2012

No Offenses!

 Disclaimer: I respect all religions. Dont take it against any particular religion. It's example how, sometimes, religious rituals seems irritating.  No offense please!

Category: Satire

Our constitution declares us as a land of secularism. My early 18 years I have lived in a place of religiously biased environment, my village being completely Hindu populated. So could not witness other religion’s rituals. Then four years in college where masti, movies, net, GPL were all religiously unbiased rituals and almost everyone did in his own liberal way. But for the last six months I have been feeling my presence in secular India, I being living in a secular gali in Vadodara. I am occupant of a flat in a building named ‘Sai Darshan’ while the building is occupied with muslims or I say overpopulated. My land lord .rather I should say floor owner(my flat being on second floor)...  is an old mulla ji and atop of my flat lives in Mr Walter who used to be Hindu but now a christan.  Being a confluence of various religions, gali usually happens to be happening whether it it’s garba or Ganesh chaturthi, id or roza or 25th december, always there is chahal pahal. At STD (stone throw distance) from my flat it’s church standing with its arse towards my flat. Although I never noticed any mosque in the gali (Probably, I being ignorant in nature) but it’s somewhere nearby, if not at STD then not far away twice of STD. And proof of existence of nearby mosque is that every evening as I return from office, its Mulla Ji causes me to forcibly inhale the secular air mixed with the holy Azaan words which he honestly cries daily over loudspeaker. Because of getting nothing out of those Arabian cry, my ears are stuffed with earphones forcibly and automatically, while Sunday goes disaster, performing that forced stuffing exercise in every two hours. It’s Sunday and being my ears fed up with both options available- either forced stuffing or tolerate Arabian cry. I want to help you mulla Ji, I am writing to God ...
TO ,                                                
shapeless & ;; unprintable khuda,
please listen his din  plea...
he has been calling you for centuries...
And make me relieved from @&^#@*#^@!#$.....

सुन  ले खुदा तू  बन्दे  की
क्यूँ नखरे  इतने  करता  है
क्या पता है तुझको बंदा तेरा
पल पल नाम पुकारा करता है
इस बात से मुझको बैर  नहीं
तू दूर बहुत  सबसे  रहता है
न शिकवे ही इस  बात के हैं
गर  तू  ऊँचा   सुनता   है

सदियों  से बैठा  बहरा  सा तू
सदा  नहीं  आती  कहता  है
ठीक नहीं  एसा  कहना  अब
तकनिकी दुनिया में तू रहता है
झाँक जरा अहले दुनिया में, तू
नहीं तुगलक-ए-काल में सोता है

सुन ले अर्जी बन्दे की अब, जो
सदियों से तेरी अजान लगाता है
पांच दफा हर दिन मस्जिद में
मुल्ला  माइक  से चिल्लाता है
अब  भी सदा  नहीं मुल्ला की
गर  तेरे  कानो  तक जाती है
तू रह  ले आ कर घर में मेरे
भरपूर  सदा  यहाँ  आती  है


  1. haha ..sach me bhai ye bahot jor se chilata h true exp.

  2. bhai ek loudspeaker tu bi lele or jab office me jaaye to ... Sabki bja diya kar


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