Sunday, July 15, 2012

Please! don't ill-use words

In the recent my eardrums have been hit with a versatile word ‘Policy’ quite frequently. And then this word timed me back. On a sleepy dusk sitting in my chair I paced back into my sprouting days when to look at the beautiful curvy edges of blossoming roses specs were not required at all. When I used to like sprouts in breakfast and then blamed them for early sprouting my cheeks with beard. I was just 14.
One evening an uncle came to my home and chatted with my father. He asked me ‘Rahul. What’s your age?’ and I replied 14.
He started his business with my age, and in that 10 minutes chat he made me grown up to 40 from 14. ‘Bhai saab, this is the best policy for Rahul at this age, when he will be at 40 he will get so much money... this much you have to pay yearly premium and blab blab.’
‘Uncle I know this policy’ I said. He gave me a flustered look.
‘You are talking about best policy, no. I have learnt it in my school. My teacher had told when I was child. They say ‘honesty is the best policy’.’ I uttered with utmost sincerity and gravely.
He grinned and my father purchased the best policy for me. Later I realised it was nothing to do with honesty but just a LIC agent’s business where honesty seems poorly peeping out of his equivocal explanations and lucrative figures.
Now I heard this word frequently in the last fifteen days. Whatever doubt I wanted to get clarified, they gave one word answer same as one writes in for ‘answer in one word type question’ in exams. Do I look like exam paper?
I think just like few other words it’s also fading off its true meaning. I find this word slipping to the same league the word democracy has slipped or the word secular has drowned so deep that it doesn’t look like secular. I don’t want to see the word Policy redefined itself the way as the word democracy has been defined by corruption, murder, molestation, bribe, rape, robbery, and bullshit as salient feature of its definition. Or the word secular which itself has become non-secular and has ample appeal to provoke two communities in India. Media and politicians make astute profit by use of this word. Or likewise, the pair Hindu-Muslim stands for antonym to each other in present scenario which should be synonym words on the account of their individual definition.

The word ‘Policy’ has been changing its meaning as I grew up from childhood to till date through my adolescent days.
Whenever I went to them to be answered of my ‘WHYs’ and ‘HOWs’, I got diplomatic answers smeared or gilded with this word and amiable smile. Conversation goes like this:
“Ma’am HOW you are calculating this much amount?”
“It’s written in the POLICY. And I have to abide by this.”
“But ma’am in case of ABC you calculated like this.”
“Yeah, that time we had different POLICY and now we have different. This POLICY has been operated from head corporate office. I can do nothing.”
“But it’s just one month to ABC case.”
“But POLICY also got change in the recent.”
“Ma’am can you mail me this POLICY. I want to get clarified.”
“No, this is confidential.”
What confidential! Sometimes bullshit also is veiled behind the glossy curtains.  
“What confidential it may contain?”
“No, it’s company POLICY. Everything cannot be revealed. There are certain codes you would not understand.”
Oh! You doubt on my comprehension ability. Maybe I would not get understood. Since childhood I could not comprehend even this word alone. Now how I could understand more complicated thing – a policy laced with codes.
She was not the only with polished-in-policy tongue but all whoever I talked my doubts. Stop using this word to confuse the people and please let it remain with its helpful nature- facilitating of people.
I have come to know that ‘Use of the word policy is the best policy to polish off.’
Let the words be what they are meant for. Stop forcing them to be redefined.


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