Saturday, July 7, 2012

Legacy of July

Legacy of July

Neither I am nascent nor a wile tainted shrewd manager.  I am just going to complete countable-on-fingers months for so claimed acclaimed professional job. Neither I was aware nor ever thought that month of July would carry its legacy always. But recently I noticed it while serving notice period. Regarding its legacy I am not talking about some meteorological aspects of the month but the charm it has. And what it has is a charm of awaiting, a charm of rising, and charm of striding standards & steps of life.    

July, a month which had its lovers as well as haters during school days appears somewhat of similar kind for the present but now, in professional days; these lovers and haters are replaced by only one species- the greedy and needy expectants. This similarity which I see is its amiable and kind nature which gives you reason to smile, to feel pride. It gives you bigger number every time provided you do well. But the number changes its meaning as time switches you from dependent to independent.

While in school days this month opens doors of happiness for some (happy to meet with old and new friends, pretty faces and nice ma’ams) and of aversion for a little others (reluctance to books and strict teachers) while here this happiness get frozen in low temperature which sprawls in glass gilded tile floored office and aversion rains from central AC vents. Thank god my chair does not fall directly under vent. Touch-wood.  

In school days, new bag, new shirt, new pants, new pair of shoes and jump to next standard (only one who worked really to get it and hardly other way)- an indication of rise, all are the gifts of this month. It’s the month of July that you put your hands into your newly tailored pants you feel the warmth of newness- a value added to your pockets. If you don’t feel warmth, you are a victim of illusion. Look at it carefully, it’s cleanly washed and crisped old one. If you are able to convince to your parents for new bottle, you really deserve it.

And now in job, this month does not care for new bag, new shirt, new pants and new shoes because it presume you are grown up but it knows what you are required most at this age. That’s why it does not forget to gift you that one for which you had fallen in love with this month- a warm feel. Time has changed, meaning has changed but feeling is same- a warm feel in your pocket at every dawn of this month. But the way of making it warm has changed entirely.

Here comes the major difference between that warm feel in school days and now, in professional times. In that time every student had equal warmth in their pockets and dared “mine is better than you” but now it would be foolish if you say this. Here every one had different degree of warmness. At this stage competition becomes tough. It’s not a ladder, it’s a pyramid where few get to up and other remains at same place. More fails, few jumps to next standard since as standard goes up seats goes down.

Unlike school days, whatever degree of warmth every individual feels, it depends how one permuted four variables- work, buttering, show off or boasting of work and do nothing.

This month brings you something, a secret hidden in an envelope. It reveals different degree of warmth to everyone. This secret splits greedy needy expectants into three- first who gets above expectation, second who gets up to expectation and third who plunges below expectation. Middle one is nothing to worry but first and last need to. Where for first one, it is mistake of one’s boss in judging you while for last, one needs to introspect and is required to rearrange those four variables more meticulously for the next July monetary legacy.

Then comes the professional terminology. One who feels his hand burning in his pocket is called super performer. One who feels his hand lukewarm in his pocket is called average performer. And the under performer is doomed enough not to feel the difference inside and outside of pocket. And a few are pushed to mirage by old crispy pants with little pocket.

And one who succeeds jumping to next standard, where does he feel this heat? I don’t know.

Note- July is the month when employees get PLR (performance linked rewards) for their previous year performance. Based on performance individual is rewarded bonus and promotion.

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