Saturday, April 28, 2012

My creator my destroyer!!!

The day sun will spew fire out
And moon will rush to hide its face
Rivers will moan their dried throat
And oceans will rise to quench thirst
Waves will be raising unfolding tides
With tremendous potential and noise
The earth will be filled with water
And air will get replaced by vapour
Imagination is enough to shock soul
No one will be spared, ruined will all
When it happens is called ‘blue murder’
And He will witness all disastrous cries
I accept His truth and power
My creator my destroyer!!!

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होली आई

  संग पिया के, संग सजन के, होली आई! गाँव की गलियाँ, रंग में भीगी, होली आई! माटी की ख़ुशबू    महकी, घर-आँगन तक जाने को, रेल चली फिर दूर नगर स...