Sunday, September 19, 2021

XUV300 buying guide based on my experience! (Part 2)

Hello Guys!

I am again here to share my experience with XUV300. This part-2 will provide you all improtant information about aftermarket upgradation of your car.

I am writing this blog in the context of XUV300 W4 car but the information share here is applicable to all car whenever you are planning your car upgradation.

As you know that XUV300 W4 is base variant, so upgradation is quite necessary for this car.


when doing the upgradation from the aftermarket, please ensure that the part is genuine and the shop technician has knowlege about fitment. Otherwise, you will but regret!

1st Upgradation-

The very first changes I did to my car at dealer only.

1. Fog lamp

2. Front grill changed to chrome (W4 variant comes with black front grill while W8 comes with chrome front grill)

3. Wheel cover/ cap

4. Door scuff plate or wellcome plate (made of steel with XUV branding {NO LIGHT})

See the below image for first 3 changes

I paid approx 9K to the dealer for this change.

2nd upgradation-

Infotainment system and reverse camera-

I chose the below components

-Nippon 9 inch touch screen Android (Price 13K including frame)

-JBL component speaker (front door) (Price 4.5K) & JBL Co-axial speakers (back doors) (price 2K)

-Camera Blaupunkt (Model BC DH05) (Price 2700). This camera comes with dynamic guidelines.

-Stearing controls -(price 4K) only left side control works while I added right side control for aesthetics purpose. Quite costly!

Warning !!

Dont chose the parts because shopkeaper is suggesting and you believed becasue he is doing this Job regularly. Now a days, lot of shopkeepers have you tube channel where they share XUV modification video. These videos don't talk the fault or quality issues. Let me explain one by one-

Points to consider while installing Android touchscreen-

1. Touchscreen hanging problem-

How to ensure that the headunit you are selecting will work in high temp ambient? Let me explain my experience. When I park my car under sky in office. (I work in Rajasthan). The outside temp is about 38-40 Deg and and the car is quite hot by the evening due to green house effect. When I leave office at 6PM, the headunit will not work as the electronic components are not designed for high temp ambient. These are cheap chinese products. The system will keep on hanging till your cabin is comfortably cool by car AC. 

2. Navigation problem-

The most use of touch screen is for navigation after Music. Pls ensure how they are installing the sytem in car. With every GPS supported Android system comes a GPS antena. Many shopkeeper connect this antena and keep it with the unit inside the dashboard. while GPS antena should be placed thoughtfully that it should catch the signals propely. Otherwise your unit will keep searching GPS signal again & again. There has to be proper wiring (GPS antena comes with 5-6 feet long wire for installation purpose) so that proper sunnlight fall on the GPS antena. If possible get it stick over the dashboard. (In my car I installed it left conrner of the dashboard.)

3. Microphone issues- 

The microphone provide in all Android systems is useless becasue mic senstivity is too low that the person on otherside can not hear you properly. The solution to this problem is add external mic. Every Android has AUX port where this mic can be installed. SO, whenever installing the headunit, dont forget about external mic if the inbuilt mic is of no use.

4. Camera Issues-

Blaupunkt camera quality is good but it is not designed for XUV300. You can istall this camera in XUV300 but at different place. If the shopkeeper is installing the camera at the same palce where W8 camera is placed, it is of no use. You will regret and curse your experience! Be careful. Don't let the shopkeepers play with your car for their profit! Check the below points before installation

a) if i stand just near to my rear bumper left and right corner, my shoes should show up in screen.

b) The dynamic lines should be parallel to the road. they should not be going upside towards sky.

c) the duide line also should be 100% parallel to the white strips painted on road if your car is standing straight on a straight road.

If one can satisfy above all three points, go for camera installation.

5. Speakers Issue-

JBL speakers are good for sound. If you are music lover, you can chose componet speakers for all doors. In speakers, other brands also can be considered. But the point to be considered here is the installation in XUV300.

XUV300 doors are segined to fit the company fitted speakers only. If you are installing aftermarket speakers, some plastic to be chopped off from the door where speaker is to be installed.  This plastic design is also for same purpose. Maybe some shopkeapers install the speakers with cutting the extra plastic collar on the door part, then it will result in issues with sound quality. And after some time, speakers may torn off.

6. Radio Antena- It will never give you as good result as company fitted system. No option. Need to compromise. Radio will work only when the radio signals are very good.

3rd Upgradation-

1. Front bumper extender (guard) (Price 5K)

2. Spoiler (i took aftermmarket at 2.5K but not as good as OEM part)- I chose black & white dual tone spoiler for RED XUV. See image.

3. Roofrails (Only take from dealer. Never take this part from shops)

4. 7D mats (Price 2K)- these are quite good.

1 comment:

  1. Any after market driver arm rest we can fit to base model


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