Monday, June 25, 2012

Colony of losers

She was lying on a bed surrounded by 3-4 women and a midwife. The walls of the room were clearly able to feel her scream and pain. The pain of delivery was not appearing so much troubling to her since she knew that it was limited to the delivery. But some other kind of prolonged pain could be felt in her eyes. It was the pain of anxiety, pain of fear if this time again she would give birth to a girl; as she had already three daughters but now presently she had only two since one of them, unfortunately or fortunately; died at an age of three months and few days.
As soon as the baby was able to take its separate breathe, coming out of the womb of its mother, its cries were enough to create the vibration in the air molecules present in the room. As the baby’s cries penetrated her ears, a smile of happiness and relax spread at her face. She was happy and relaxed not because the pain of delivery was over but she was sure that this time she had given birth to a boy since the pitch of the cry was different than that of those girl babies and she was proved right in distinguishing the pitch of voice as the surrounding women gave their compliments-“congratulations”. The irony is that she was never bidden “congratulation” before for the same work, the same pain. I feel surprised and shocked why people discriminate their own children.
The new born baby was lying under the shade of his mother. Everyone present there was wishing a bright future to the baby. But who can predict looking at new born baby’s face what he  would become in life. His grandparents were predicting  what he will become in his life. It was mere love and affection which was driving them to predict or guess about his future-all the sentences uttered by different family members in different ways but ultimately converging to a single meaning-“successful man”. One more person who was predicting the same -“ beta ek din tu bada aadmi banega”- was his illiterate mother. Basically, it was the emotional expectation rather than prediction.
But all the predictions and expectations were proving wrong as he was growing up. He grew in such a deprived society environment where nothing was there to create and encourage the urge in him to learn and study. In spite of his disinterest towards his study he studied upto metric. After that he left school because of reluctance as well as unavailability of means for further study and the environment in which he was growing up. As the other village boys used to do, the same way he had to work in the fields with his father in the village. This work also made him tired within two or three years. Effect of environment cannot be ignored or eliminated; it only can be changed to get best out of the prevailing situations if somebody is there to mould is positively else one is driven by time as usually happens.
He was innate talented but who cared for him? None. He was a great lover of colours- a good artist; a good painter. So he decided to go out of the well and was firm determined that one day he would colour on the canvas of sky and people would look at. He left his home for achieving his dreams. He struggled but having no platform as well as no financial support it became tough and tough to bring his dreams into reality. Still he continued and sustained against all the problems that came in the path. He passed all his prime time of his life in the struggle. He was so dedicated for his work that he never felt the necessity of life partner. He continued his work of painting but no one was there to appreciate even his master piece. He struggled and struggled and struggled and reached fifty years of age without having any taste of success. This discouraged and hopeless soul made his last painting and wrote “loser” instead of his name at the right bottom corner of the painting.
He left his profession as well as city and went to a peculiar city which was known for a particular colony- a colony of unsuccessful and losers. He started living there hopeless and without self-esteem. But gradually he resumed his profession because all the people living there used to appreciate each other’s work. Without caring for fame and awards he started again the same work with the same name but happily.

Few miles away in the west from this colony there was a village where a family of three which lived happily in limited resources. But now time had changed its mood. It became harsh to their happiness. A doom was looming in the yard. Many days have passed socked in worries, pain, tears and fear. Fear was blatantly spilling out of his paled and woke up-for-long time eyes if he would lose her. While days were turning worse, nights were endless putting him on a test of endurance. Every moment he felt the pain of her daughter as the moon changed its position in the sky.
Her health was deteriorating day by day. She has been the victim of ill health two weeks, while she should have been playing all around at this tender age of 12, panacea seemed to be harsh to this little child. No medication could what it is expected to do. All the prayers of her parents seemed to be unaccepted. Ultimately it is God’s wish who to survive and who to die!
He did all whatever he could or whatever he was told to do. One thing he was regretted over that he could not consult those good doctors who were available in multi-storey building hospital of a metro city. He has no money but he can sell himself to see her again playing with him. Anyhow he went to that hospital and made her treatment for three days but of no avail. Her health was deteriorating as fast as he never expected. He returned home, his last hope also had torn out. But what could he do? The only thing he left with was to pray. Pray may not have logic with her health but it has divine magic that consists of complicated logic which a human mind can’t ever understand.
Helpless and wrecked, he came to the same room where most of time he had spent in the last two weeks with her. He laid down her in the bed and he sat down at the ground. She slept without speaking a single word to her father. That night he has been sitting by the side of his daughter holding her hand completely thoughtless, insanely. The moon was peeping through the window and was making him feel about the time. It was showering all the coolness but the heat that was transferring from her feverish body to his hand was not giving a single thought to recede. He kept on looking at her face and moon affectionately the whole night. Her mother sitting by her and her father side could not stop herself, and broke down into tears.
Next morning she opened her eyes but conspicuous weakness was ample to tell her health tending to collapse. Without uttering anything she was staring a small tree pot with its leave touching the wall. This pot was resting on a table which was lying in a corner of the room. This tree also was not appearing in some good health and this little girl attached herself with it emotionally. She kept on relating her deteriorating health condition with this tree. The way I am dying it’s also dying or vice versa.
This kind of notion has housed her mind and most of time she had her eyes at this tree hopefully that one day this tree would acquire its full greenery.
But her fortune was pretty wicked that one leaf out of its countable six leaves fell down the same night. The next morning as she woke up, her eyes went to the tree as quickly as the sum ray might have entered her room in the early morning. The colour at her face faded out as she could count five instead of six. muted tears rolled down her pale tender checks. ‘I will die  ...’ these were her unuttered words which could be felt sounding in the air inside the walls. She wanted to go to that tree but her weakness did not allow her to move out of her bed. She did not express her wish to her father and stared at the tree ceaselessly.
Now, her attachment with the tree had grown more intense. Her soul was resting on those five leaves and the day the last leaf would fall down, her soul also would fly with that of this tree. Now he had to take care of one more entity, he had to pray for one more soul.
When doom is lurking all around, how one can expect something to go better. And when all the darkness is sprawling in one’s fate, things goes disastrous. Probably his fate had turned black. On the one side her daughter was moving to death gradually, while the other side there was no sign of recuperation in tree’s health. It kept on falling its leaves down and soon one day it left semi-naked. It left with two leaves. With two leaves too little hope of her survival she had.
Papa, I will not survive’, she uttered to her father in a low and spiritless voice.
‘Nothing will happen to you, beta. Everything will be all right’, tears spilled out inside his heart.
‘Papa, tonight these two leaves will also fall down, and similarly I will. Papa this is my last night. I am dying papa. Tree also is dying.’ And she slept.
The man kissed her hand and broke down into tears.
Probably she had understood tree’s health up to far extent. She was right. Unfortunately, the same night tree became naked shamelessly. Both the leaves had departed from its stem. As her father saw this naked tree, all hopes had died. I will lose my daughter. No, I will not let you die.
He came out of the room and started gazing at moon insanely. Then out sudden, he rushed towards east without saying a word to her mother. He kept on running as fast as he could and reached that peculiar place, a place for losers. Sweating and breathless, he knocked at a door and burst in pain, ‘I need your help. I need a painter.’ This colony accommodated so called losers but talented and good at heart people. He along with him ran to some other door and knocked at and shouted, ‘hey, somebody wants your help.’
He came out. He was the same painter who had no taste of success ever. This painter was told everything by her father. He hurriedly went into his room, collected his colours, brush and all stuff. He ran along with her father to the village.
He saw girl was sleeping quietly. He saw the tree, lifted those two departed leaves from the pot and put on the table. He pulled out his colours and brushes from his bag and sat down to draw. He drew the same two leaves on the wall so precisely that from the girl’s bed it was hard to believe that it was on the wall instead of tree itself.
Next morning she woke up and her eyes moved to the tree uninterruptedly. A most awaited smile spread at her face as she found two leaves at the place. Vigour aroused and self belief became alive. ‘Papa, I survived!’  
A rejoice could be felt in her eyes and a new ray of hope again was shining in her father’s eyes. As the days passed and those leaves remained at place, which always would be there, she gained her strength. Now she recovered as fast as she desired. It’s the will power which can be as strong as God himself.
She along with her parents went to meet that man who saved her life. As he saw the same girl bidding her ‘thank you’, he reached the ultimate state of bliss. His happiness was limitless. This was the biggest award of his life. He could say that he lived a life which could be useful to someone. His brush had saved someone’s life. He had filled colour in someone’s life. The day one is proud of his soul; one’s life is blessed and purpose of life is proved successful.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

एक विचार....

क्या कभी तुमने सुनी  हैं
वो दर्दमय मिश्रित  चीखें
जो आती  हैं  टकराने  से
पत्थरों के इंसानी सरो से

ये चीखें नहीं होती बस इंसानी कंठों से
और तमाशा देखती जनता के झुंडों से
बल्कि इन मिश्रित चीखों में
एक और रूदन सम्मिलित है
गर लहू बहा  इंसानी देह से
तो क्या पत्थर रूह रहित है ?
निष्पक्ष नज़रिये से देखें तो
सर पत्थर दोनों ही लथपथ हैं
बेजान भावहीन कहना पत्थर को
बोलो कितना तर्कपूर्ण-न्यायोचित है ?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

who made me sleuth?

Ticket… ticket….’; somebody whispered to my ear as near and low voiced as he could.
‘Vadodara’ , I just replied as quickly as if in dire need.
Of course I was. I had to join office next morning.
‘Mil jayega, Rs.1300’
‘Which train? Can I have for kerala sampark kranti?’
‘No. Only for pashchim.’
‘Ok! Give it to me.’
I purchased the ticket for sleeper showing RAC11, M 28 but confirmed.
‘kiske naan par book kiya tha?’ , I asked.
‘Pata nahi, chart mein dekh liyo bhaiya.’
Chart showed me that I had become 28 yrs Nilesh kumar for the next 15 hrs. Needless to say something about crowd but it seemed more what I had expected. Again after almost two yrs I was going to experience the same lesson of ‘adjustment’ just as I had during my college days journey. Something became more alive … all who grew from soft cheeks to unshaved faces… who bathed daily and who took bath fortnightly reluctantly… who cried in hostel better than himesh reshamiya…who gained knowledge as well as something to drive their CG out of their belly… who woke up early and those who faced them while going to sleep…..and who slept without any tension…. Jhalmuri and singara as the only snacks option in train…. And litti chokha…. Which used to be non tasty to me in first yr but till final yr it also became something…tasty!
Let others board the train and get settled…. Till then let me check my fellow traveler in my compartment. I was staring at the chart stuck to my coach. As I rolled down my eyes from the top, some young figure paused my scanning. It was 22 F, A. Mittal. But what does A stand for? I entered, reached my seat in the same way as it generally happens in train.. ‘bhai saab side hona… nikalne do…’
She was there at side lower, sitting by folding her legs . Before her there was sitting a boy of my age group. I thought he might be his brother or friend. But as I was adjusting my luggage and myself, I heard her speaking to that guy, ‘I am coming from kurukshetra.’
Ok. He is just next seat fellow traveler.
Still, train was standing at new delhi railway station. I got down the train to bring water bottle. I again peeped into chart where she is going. BVI (Borevelli)
Train departed, I came to my seat. She had fallen asleep in the same posture…. Folding legs into her belly… A 5’5” body accommodating in a little space, awesome.  After 15-20 minutes she got up and shifted to upper birth and had fallen asleep deeeep…… undoubtedly she was beautiful but she appeared more beautiful with closed eyes… a little bit open lips in deep sleep… her being in deep sleep proved when TTE had to shake her shoulder 4-5 times to bring her into conscious. TTE checked the ticket and she again went to her dreams…. It had gone 6 hrs since I boarded the train or she was sleeping. It was around 10 PM when I left miss AM sleeping to take the last feel of being light of the day. I returned from washroom and saw she was taking dinner. I opened middle berth and lied down. She finished the dinner and she handed over dinner pack from her berth to a lady to throw it out of the window addressing her softly as didi. And again she took same posture and ran into deep sleep before I could.
 Vadodara was just about to come. It was around 8:15 AM and miss AM still sleeping. Aur soye bhi kyun nahi… railgaadi ki savaari roz roz thodi na milti hai ! I got up but still she was sleeping. She woke up just 5 minutes before the train reached Vadodara station. She wanted someone to take care of her belonging as probably she wanted to go washroom, at all it had been 15 hrs since she might have moved from her berth! She asked that guy, ‘where will you leave?’
Same question she asked me. And unfortunately same answer she received. Now again same didi became helpful to her.
I was in the mood to talking her but her sleep did not allow. I left the train thinking I will have a chat with her soon over facebook. I found her even without knowing her name and I became detective. Engineering way of thinking helped me finding her out without knowing her name. It was not any image search in google since I had no pic of hers and apart from this my mobile had also slept before her. Bad luck!
As in engineering every application is based on some assumptions, the same way let me make some assumptions for her(specific) to come out with some conclusion.
 1. She was going to Mumbai (BVI) from kurukshetra (KKR).  So there is probability she is studying or jobbed in KKR or Mumbai.
2. She was moving in the first week of June. So college might have got over and she might be returning to home town, Mumbai.
3. Jobbed? That is also in kurukshetra, when Delhi and Gurgaon are there just near to it. Probability tends to zero.  So probability increases in favour of study or jobbed in Mumbai.
4. Jobbed in Mumbai or studying in some college? Let me take the latter one and proceed.
5.  If studying then where?  Mumbai or Kurukshetra? As it was the month of June and she travelled from KKR to Mumbai, with a luggage consisting two or more bags. So more probability of her studying in KKR.
6. Considering above assumption, she came from Mumbai to KKR. So the college or university must be of some repute.
7. One reputed college in KKR I am aware of is NIT. So let me assume her NIT student.
8. A beautiful girl in NIT? it again brings the probability of her being NIT down. Anyways exceptions are always there. 
9. Considering above assumption and her ticket details 22 F, she may be third year or final yr student i.e. 2k8 or 2k9.
10. So now I have to find someone whose details are as A. Mittal, 22 F, NIT KKR. But what is A in her name??
11. Ok! Let me search in FB above details and find out someone whose name starts with A.
There is only one result which satisfies all above details. I message her enquiring the details to make above assumption work, I proved wrong at the same moment. I went like this:
Nilesh Kr(NK)- hey. .. r u that gal going smwhere today in paschim express... i juss checking my experiments of somthing beyond science. do reply:)
A Mittal(AM)- i thnk u r out of ur mind,better use ur brain in sumthng concrete
NK- that means u r nt dat MAM... miss A M... can u give me som concrete ideas i can put my brain into... yaar ha ya na me to ans dedo... if ur ans is NO... i m extremly SORRY..for previous msges....dat i disturbed ur sleep...
AM-sleep...............r u kidding ,ths is offc tym,use ur brain in studies ,job and for being an enterprenuer.........................rather thn msgng me
AM-as u r part of nit,so sumwhere u r my alumni,so sorry if ur find my behaviour rude
NK- ok... definitly wil use my brain in studies.. later...enterpreneur...i liked it..u expect it from an nitian...thanx
AM- its nt abt nitian,at end of day u r a human being,ur colg brand name will nt decide ur destiny,nit doest nt contributed evn a single bit in my,nit is just lyk a normal colg to me like in my town.moreover a half cooked brain can do white tiger by arvind adiga
NK- i hav read dat book... that mentallity to achieve success i dont approve... its nt morally acceptable to me to get smthin in life by letting down others... dat driver. ..that storey may depicts the way to success in indiae upto certain extent. ..but still good ppl r dere...
AM- maine abhi poori ni cant comment and evn i believe good people r parents r so good......i dnt need othr examples :)
NK- nice to hear u r proud of ur parents...because parents r d frst thing who contribute most in make their kids personality...they r responsible to make good ppl... :) :)
AM- chalo ab main padhlo.............IBPS is vry imp. to me ths tym and discussion never ends......kahan se baat shuru hui thi ...hehehe :)
NK- i thot u r in the manager...good luck... best wishes!
AM- i am in it will nt last 4 long tym due to sum internal disputes as its a small wanna try luck in destiny will decide
NK- oh i see... keep remember dat destiny always follows hard work..
AM- i always do hard work .........i want to see wen destiny will start following
AM- it was nyc talking to u
 gud day …bbye :)
NK- bye

AM and NK became friendly.
But where is that AM, my fellow traveller?? I don’t know. I don’t need to know. Neither she is my friend nor I am crazy for her but still I will find her, my detective mind urged which I also came to know right then. I became sleuth. Now I had to find her full name. I don't need to take others help and I had to find by my own. Should I search all the names which start with A? I don’t have so much time nor am I insane. But still found her in ten minutes. Is it called power of mind? You want to know how? Call me. You don't need to be detective. My no is easily searchable.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

save girl child


जिंदगी के दो राहों पर इंसान बहुत मिल जायेंगे
पर फरेबी के मुखौटों से कब भला  बच पाओगे

कहने को है खुशनुमा अहले  जगत में  सादगी
क्या फिसलते  मन  को काबू में  रख  पाओगे

माना तेरा प्यार है भरे पैमाने सा नशीला, पर
बात होगी गर ताउम्र छलकने से बचा पाओगे

कर  मुहब्बत  शौक से पर जज्बा  इतना रख
ना मिला वो तो  मुहब्बत-ए-पीर  पी  पाओगे

पाने की चाह घनी है तो लुटाने की भी ऊँची रख
ये जिंदगी बाज़ार है ना कोई बिन तराजू पाओगे


 -------   🌷ग़ज़ल🌷 ------- भले ही वो नहीं टूटे पर उसको तोड़ना अच्छा।  यहां महबूब की दीवार पर सर फोड़ना अच्छा।।  न फैलें पांव पूरे तो उन्हे...