Saturday, April 28, 2012

My creator my destroyer!!!

The day sun will spew fire out
And moon will rush to hide its face
Rivers will moan their dried throat
And oceans will rise to quench thirst
Waves will be raising unfolding tides
With tremendous potential and noise
The earth will be filled with water
And air will get replaced by vapour
Imagination is enough to shock soul
No one will be spared, ruined will all
When it happens is called ‘blue murder’
And He will witness all disastrous cries
I accept His truth and power
My creator my destroyer!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Integrated ideas

Since last 3-4 months I have been mugging myself with the P&ID and in that process my thoughts and ideas keep on trying to get integrated with each other as that in engineering drawings. So yesterday post lunch I tried to do the same and I finished with some drawing on paper. I tried to integrate in this a lot of ideas to make it as informative as I could. I call it Engineer’s Interpretation Drawing but people call it with different name. So now let me explain what ideas led to create this.
Here you see very 3-4 very simple things like tree, bird and a couple or whatever you call and else what you observe. I think first thing which would come to anyone’s mind is love or affection kind of depiction but there is a lot if you try to read.
The very first thing you will observe a couple hugging each other. Intense love as if they are meeting after a long time and it is clear with the way two birds have been shown. When you feel bliss, tears roll upon your cheeks by its own. The same way tears are coming from the eyes of female character. Being a mechanical guy, I cannot give a better example than this. There is a zigzag line between two faces which can be symbolizes with mating gears which I see a good example of love and intimacy. One has no function in the absence of other. This shows their intimacy and ‘I am incomplete without you’ feeling.
Second idea is inspired by the agony of woman who is being assaulted by someone. Here that zigzag line symbolizes with teeth which are abusing her, biting her. She is crying, her heart is crying to help, she just want to get rid of this.
True love is beyond materialistic needs. This is third idea. The girl comes from rich family( well dressed in skirt) while the boy belongs to poor family. Still they are in love.
In bad times you should not deviate from your goal. You should keep on trying to achieve your dreams; you should not lose your hope. This is fourth idea. The tree without a single leaf symbolizes the bad time. Storm of bad luck spared nothing in the tree not even the bird’s nest but still he is confident that he will get what he wants.
Love is blind but later you know really it is not. This is fifth idea. The girl falls in love with a boy with weak financial status. But later she realizes it. Now she wants to share her feelings with her friend(two birds in conversation).
Love, tears, pain, happiness all are part of life.


दिन तड़पे
राते रोई
वसंत गया
बरसाते आई
मुस्कान एक
होंठो पर लाई
नम आँखे
फिर भर आई
दिन गुज़रा
निशा तम लायी
पर आठ पहर
तू ही छाई
मौसम बदले
ऋतुये आई
पर बनी रही
मेरी तन्हाई
 इसलिए कहता हूँ   मित्रों

उसका मुझसे
मेरा उस से
कुछ तो गहरा रिश्ता है
बेमतलब सा
पागल सा
फिर क्यों दिल रिसता है

मेरे ख्वावों के अम्बर पर
अब भी तु ही बसती है
तुमको पाने की धुन में हूँ
अब  ऐसी मेरी हस्ती है

Holi Geet

  होली है रंगीले, मेरा रंग दे जिया  होली है रंगीले, मेरा रंग दे जिया आजा आज खेलें रंग आजा पिया  होली है रंगीले, मेरा रंग दे जिया आजा आज खेले...