Wednesday, September 28, 2011

'my favourite' Folder

As the pages are adding to my past day by day, horizon of reality seems shining with more clarity defining the difference between reality and dreams. Where dreams are sweet and biased to you while reality is neutral which sometimes appears in support and sometimes against.  This against situation is always painful, bitter but inevitable. Dreams are composed of clouds of our will, clouds having surety of rain but uncertainty lies in clouds of reality. Questions arise in a number. Should I have more realistic dreams? Or Should I stop dream? And then my mind follows this line-“Great achievements come through the framework of great expectations.”
It’s evening. Office is done. And like usual I have reached my unattractive dusty abode and confined myself to 8x10 room which, apart from me, accommodates my room partner, a table-chair, hanging clothes on the door gate backside and pile of books which help me charge, boost my spirit by reminding vows promised with myself. I am tired but not my expectations. These are high enough but within my capability to achieve. My spirit is low today. Factors are not known. I want to sleep but eyes are habitual to late night sleep. My lappy is uttering me that it contains enough videos, songs, movies to make you feel light. If it still is not enough, no problem!...... I also have ‘my favourite’ folder-your countless time visited place. O.K. I opened the lappy, played the randomly chosen song ‘haan yehi rasta hai tera, tune ab jaana hai’ in the background, reached and opened the same folder adding one more count to that countless visited place. It contains only ten pictures which give aroma of freshness and innocence. These pics are downloads from facebook without her consent. All these smiling pics make me feel fresh and peaceful. Though I admit my act of theft, but this is innocuous to anyone. So i don’t feel guilty but it’s without her consent, and this makes me feel culpable. You may wrong interpret me as crazy. But it’s not like that. It’s just my choice like you. My ‘my favourite’ folder is supposed to have my favourite in the same way as yours. It’s my like as you have over Aish or Cat or some other. You may blame it love but it’s not or may be. I behold all pics, all tiredness is away. Now let me mug with the books for my better future.  Let my expectations take shape of my choice. My success will owe to you ‘my favourite’ folder and those ten smiling pics collectively at third place. First is always reserved for Almighty. And second is obvious.

P.S.- I don't have any lappy. 

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