Saturday, August 27, 2011

why do I support Anna and his Lokpal?

Who don’t want a corruption free nation? Everyone! But some people’s opinions in newspapers, and status updates by a few of my facebook pals compel me think that there is one section of the middle class society which is, probably, happy with the prevailing political system. They argue –“Gandhi topi pehan ke, jhanda leke sadko pe rally nikalne se kya corruption mit jayega?” So, their ideology doesn’t allow them to support Anna. But I feel that these pals are not against Jan Lokpal.
Their argument is –‘first change yourself and system will be perfect by its own.’ They start arguing from ‘stop bribing traffic police for without DL travelling. Stop without ticket travel in train. Never grease the palm of any official to get work done and many more etc etc...’ but my friends ‘ change yourself’ is the toughest task for this civilised species. Think deep and count how many habits you have changed without any constraint for the sake of yours good. Hardly you will find any single. It has been human nature that we will not change until and unless some constraints are put over us. Let’s say a very simple example- on working days we get up early and reach to work on time. But on Sunday do we abide by the same wake up time line given early wake up is good for our own health. In spite of knowing everything good and bad, hardly a very few follow. take another example of your office. It is the constraint of biometric punch on time otherwise system will identify you as a late comer employee and you will deserve punishment for the same. We follow the right path to walk only either we are forced to walk on or it is our obligation. Why do pedestrians walk on the footpath even though a specious road is there. It is because of rules and compulsion.
As i have mentioned earlier that human change itself only under pressure or some constraints, we need some more strict constraints as this is the demand of time. Laws and rules are social constraints which are put collectively to define a path of progress that a society can move into. When laws and rules are not able to cope up with the present time, we need to revise our old laws. If rules don’t have strong barrier, it results in chaos and in such situation some are looted, some do loot, a few oppose and the rest watch. And today this kind of scenario is prevailing in our nation’s political system. So, as I have mentioned earlier in biometric-punch-system example, we need a strong system which will be enough efficient to find out the guilty and will punish what they deserve. And, this system is the ‘LOKPAL’ for which Anna and a large portion of country is fighting and protesting for its implementation which will definitely help to pave the path to India’s progress.
There is also one more class of people who claim themselves as ‘intellectuals’. But recently I found that some so called intellectuals have lost their mind, probably they have attained higher intellectual level and become psychotic. They don’t support Anna and his protest because they see entire movement as undemocratic. And, like Gandhi demagogues they also pull ‘Mahatma Gandhi’ into their newspaper article to put their point and argue-‘if Gandhi Ji would have been today, he would never support Anna.’ I say if Gandhi Ji would have been today, these disgusting fake Gandhis would not have been nurtured. Then, is there any need of Anna and his protest?
They see this movement as undemocratic, since probably, it does not fit to the purview of definition of ‘democratic actions’ what they have in their mind then I demand those intellectual creed ‘what is that definition by which you discriminate democratic and undemocratic actions?’ and they never tell us ‘what is democratic?’ Even one such insane intellectual has related this movement to naxalism. I don’t know how? If the reform ideology with non-violence is naxalism, they need psychiatrist.
Their arguments are like- we are demanding some medicine to cure our disease but they say this is not the right medicine and on the other hand they also don’t prescribed what is right. They say it will take time to develop right medicine to cure cancer and till then, irrespective of whatever disease you have, they will prescribe the same old medicine forcibly to accept in spite of everyone knowing that this medicine has expired (govt.). But how to make them understood that I am demanding for disprins. Don’t we have right to demand for a disprin to abate our headache?
Anna. This is the most heard word in the recent time and times. He is the man who is the voice of India, hope of India. A man who is being symbolised to ‘Gandhi’ by nation’s people and media. But I feel personally that to call him ‘Gandhi’ will be partiality to both- Gandhi Ji and Anna, rather we should call him by ‘Mahatma Gandhi’. Because today Gandhi is less meant to Mahatma Gandhi, which it should have been, but it has become an asset of those who are not Gandhi either in their blood or actions. Whenever I look at any photo printed in newspaper which read its title as Gandhi, most of the time I don’t find any figure like ‘Haad-maans-ka-Gandhi’ which is printed on our currency.
This valued word ‘Gandhi’ has been smeared so badly by our demagogues that this alone is not able to reflect the true values and face it really had. Some scurvy faces have used or are using this Gandhi named mask to make the naiveté populace fool. There are some wolves who are wandering unabashed in the parliament wearing ‘Gandhi Chola’ and claiming sordidly his values as their own earned and an integral part of their personality. Not only they used his ‘chola’ but they have been selling his name as their party’s brand in our political system since independence replacing democracy by dynasty. This is the betrayal this so called Gandhi family has given to our nation’s God Father. Had Mahatma Gandhi had copyright of his title ‘Gandhi’.
I feel we are fortunate that they sold ‘Gandhi’ to Indians only. And today after more than sixty years that Gandhi spirit has awaken up in Indians which has created a wave of protest across the country.
Now to whom they will sell ‘Gandhi’?

Friday, August 12, 2011

I wanted to talk but.....

Every day starting is usual. My mobile alarm never forgets to penetrate my sleep at sharp 6:50 AM. I take mobile from the pillow side with sleep-boozed-half- open-eyes, touch its screen at ‘dismiss’ tab to make it shut up but sometimes I unknowingly invite it to intrude my sleep again after 10 minutes because of my finger slip to ‘snooze’ tab and finally I have to come out of the bed in between 7:20 to 7:30 AM because it’s not anything similar to college life. It’s the second life with so many constraints.

And, now comes the time when my efficiency curve is at its maxima since every day I am able to see me dressed in formals by 7:50. Otherwise, I am definitely going to miss my bus. But by the evening, in spite of my will, this curve comes monotonically down, probably something is there in centrally-air-conditioned office to suck my exergy.

I, usually, reach the bus stop 2-3 minutes earlier before bus time and wait. But today that 2-3 minutes wait happened to be unusual. And those few minutes were able to cause me irresistible impulse. What could I do at the very instance except appreciating Him. Although His all works are said to be master work but today I was witnessing His master work. Again i could not stop appreciating Him. My Lord! You are supreme power. Only you can produce such a material with zero tolerance. And her beauty was defying the definition of perfection we engineers talk about.

Something inside me turned to be freak and was pushing me every second like crazy- “go and talk, extend the hand of friendship. It’s friendship day buddy today.” But how to make this something understand that me also want to talk but.....

‘But! What?’ that something argued me.

‘see! her ears are stuffed with earphones, she is relishing to music so I don’t want to obtrude her’

As she removed earphones from her ears, that insider crazy again pushed me hard, crying-‘now you have no excuse! So go and good luck’

Before I could reach her, a girl appeared with a scooty and picked her up and left. Meanwhile, I came to my conscious as bus blew the horn and picked me up. Bus reached its destination. As I was descending from the bus, the music running inside the bus changed to melodious track-

Dil sambhal ja jara

Fir mohabbat karne chala hai tu.....

* both the characters are fictious.

Sonia G: what ‘G’ stands for?

How shameful and unfortunate it is that willingly i can not write a open letter addressed as “ To Prime Minister of India” not because i dont have right to but it makes no sense regarding conditions prevailing. It’s just like addressing/requesting a puppet and its controller getting amused and aluding me bloody idiot. I dont want anyone should make fun of innocent citizen of India. So its logically better to address the controller of this puppet-Our respectabe-least speaking Prime Minister. So i start with “ To Sonia G”. Although i am aware of the fact that it will result in nothing but atleast “To Sonia G” makes a sense. Sonia G be aware that now people are fed up with this bloody puppet game. Our[citizens of India] ancestors might have been apes & monkeys but in the last few years we have developed and our sanity can distinguish black and white.

I think Sonia G you must be aware of the big Gs. Ok no problem, if you are not getting its meaning, i am here to clarify you everything. These are those big stones which you are throwing on us one after another. Tell me sonia G are these your milestones? Anyways you have achieved a lot. Heartiest Congrats for CWG, 2G, KG & more to come in future! There is still one more biggest G which is to be unearthed. But i am fllustered where from this biggest G has to emerge. But if i think deeply it points out you Sonia G. It has been tradition that so many things like roads, bridges, hospitals, colleges, government schemes have been honoured by your family members’ name. So in the same league there should be something na which may be honoured by your name; sonia G. How eagerly your dearests and nearests are waiting for those moments when you will officially honour biggest scam with your name. This may be the reason that they call you Sonia G. ( try to understand big difference betwwen G and Ji)

Waiting eagerly for the next biggest G.

Thank you G.

Yours well wisher

Poor citizen of rich India

FAREWELL- day when one comes to know about his Qualities

It started as usual....Its very nostalgic feeling .......we lived, we worked with each other for years...we really worked hard and we really enjoyed. We were like friends, family members .....and good colleagues. These are very emotional moments that you are leaving this in touch always are always welcome to this organisation.
But the most amusing thing i feel, personally, about farewell is the exaggeration of qualities of the person leaving the organisation. This evening was scheduled for fare well of Mr. A and Mr. B. Entire department gathered in the canteen....boss loooog coming to speak about qualities of both....A is such a sincere engineer...B is so analytical....A is a pure engineering mind ...but B has a instinct biased to management....a sort of comparison...’a jack of all traits’...this kind of adulating phrases also were creating vibration in the surrounding air. All other colleagues were sharing their experience with emotions-reflecting-faces....will cherish all those moments we spent with you....
Wow!!!! That I was not aware that this company had such a ‘precious Heera’.....It would be a great loss to company ....will be there anyone who can compensate for their absence? Wish they may cancel their resignation!!! Then one more senior person started sharing his observation in his boss style...-‘ A is a ‘silent learner’...always go in depth ...try to understand true are a complete engineer should excel in this field only...but you are going for’s corruption of engineer’s mind...’ .... and few more blab blab...
‘It’s a corruption of engineering mind’-this sentence made me uncomfortable while rest the people had grin on their cheeks... probably A and B were having mixed expression of happiness, happiness for achieving their dreams, and agony of culpable corrupt-self.
Ok, it may be individual’s perception and concern but when you are at superior level, you should always try to have conscious discourse. Rather blaming, perhaps, earlier you had really appreciated/ promoted might be there would be no need of this gathering...


जब हर जूनून की वजह तू, क्यूँ न फिर
हाथों की लकीरों में तेरा नाम लिख दूं...

हर जिक्र में है शामिल तू, क्यूँ न फिर
वक़्त के हर पन्ने पे तेरा जिक्र लिख दूं...

हर एहसास का है हिस्सा तू, क्यूँ न फिर
नाम के संग मेरे तेरा नाम लिख दूं...

यादों में है घनीभूत तू, क्यूँ न फिर
सोचता हूँ बीते कल की दास्ताँ लिख दूं...

यौम-ओ-शब् हर इल्तिजा में तू, क्यूँ न फिर
सब बता दूं तुम को, एक चिट्ठी लिख दूं॥


Holi Geet

  होली है रंगीले, मेरा रंग दे जिया  होली है रंगीले, मेरा रंग दे जिया आजा आज खेलें रंग आजा पिया  होली है रंगीले, मेरा रंग दे जिया आजा आज खेले...