Friday, August 12, 2011

FAREWELL- day when one comes to know about his Qualities

It started as usual....Its very nostalgic feeling .......we lived, we worked with each other for years...we really worked hard and we really enjoyed. We were like friends, family members .....and good colleagues. These are very emotional moments that you are leaving this in touch always are always welcome to this organisation.
But the most amusing thing i feel, personally, about farewell is the exaggeration of qualities of the person leaving the organisation. This evening was scheduled for fare well of Mr. A and Mr. B. Entire department gathered in the canteen....boss loooog coming to speak about qualities of both....A is such a sincere engineer...B is so analytical....A is a pure engineering mind ...but B has a instinct biased to management....a sort of comparison...’a jack of all traits’...this kind of adulating phrases also were creating vibration in the surrounding air. All other colleagues were sharing their experience with emotions-reflecting-faces....will cherish all those moments we spent with you....
Wow!!!! That I was not aware that this company had such a ‘precious Heera’.....It would be a great loss to company ....will be there anyone who can compensate for their absence? Wish they may cancel their resignation!!! Then one more senior person started sharing his observation in his boss style...-‘ A is a ‘silent learner’...always go in depth ...try to understand true are a complete engineer should excel in this field only...but you are going for’s corruption of engineer’s mind...’ .... and few more blab blab...
‘It’s a corruption of engineering mind’-this sentence made me uncomfortable while rest the people had grin on their cheeks... probably A and B were having mixed expression of happiness, happiness for achieving their dreams, and agony of culpable corrupt-self.
Ok, it may be individual’s perception and concern but when you are at superior level, you should always try to have conscious discourse. Rather blaming, perhaps, earlier you had really appreciated/ promoted might be there would be no need of this gathering...

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