Monday, April 11, 2011


I am not as tough as you think always
My toughness means to withstand shocks
So i sustain in hours of wounds and pains
I am not as hard as you think always
My hardness only counts for surface
Its not true reflection of my face
I claim my thoughts are sweet
And, my inner as soft as infant
But no one there to accept
Since i have a tag......
But i am sure that one day
you will agree to accept.... that
Mechanical engineer too have a heart

Who cared for ‘what is in me?’
Where malleability is in my instinct
And ductile blood runs in the veins
You scorned my dark and rough look
But forgot to look my crystals’ shine
Lots of virtues lie in me-
All that i wanted to say, but
You never came but only blamed-
‘My rigidity can not be shaped.......’
If you had ever tried to change me
Then you had no reason to blame me
You had to do only one thing
Just had to put a love-blow on me
then you would have felt that
I was soft and enough ductile
To take the shape of your choice
Probably, then, someday
You could have known.....that
Mechanical engineer too have a heart

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