Monday, March 10, 2014

Just Another Politician

There was a time when I was inspired by your initiative, impressed by your charismatic body language. The initiative was noble, so it's still in my conscious. But that impression couldn't last even a season just like your govt didn't.
Few times back, on the outset of your CM oath ceremony, I had messaged you on your FB page -

Dear AK

I have been watching you wearing in an aam admi’s get up- pant, shirt and pair of slippers since 2011. And now with some winter accessories added to your summers look as demand of season. Now, when you have become a successful politician and everything is set to coronate you as CM of Delhi, I want to see you in the same aam admi attire at the time of oath ceremony in RLM. Your attire is the first impression of your being aam admi’s leader. Now days khadi is no more aam admi’s reflection. I hope you would keep your body as well character intact from the luxury of khadi. 



Now over a period of days and months, I have learnt  that khadi or Denim is just a piece of cloth having the same fundamental structure of woven threads and a hard work of people who prepared it entwined with each thread. It's actually nothing to do with khadi or denim. It's the person who symbolizes khadi as KHADI. You tried to symbolize the muffler and loose woolen sweater as the symbol of Aam Adami's aggression and spirit, but you forgot that winter was not forever. It had to go, so it's going away making you less appealing and unreliable. 
I am sure your half sleeved oversize plain shirt isn't gona do magic this April may. 
Had you been incarnated in Khadi instead of that 'so Aam Admi attire', then it would have given less pain in saying 'he is just another politician. he is just another khadi spoiler.' 

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