Friday, December 24, 2010

The Macho Girl

After tedious and monotonous nine hours in the office I was returning to my flat at the break of dusk by a cab accommodating eight more gentlemen other than me. [FYI: you should be aware how exhaustive it appears for a GET to work in office whether he/she is bombarded with work or given complete rest. Both cases cause the acidity which appears as ‘kaha aa gaya main yaar’, GET saying frustratingly.] Being quietness part of my instinct, i was sitting calm without involving in time pass kind of discussion that was booming in the cab. Intruding my calmness somebody asked curiously, “UP16 kahan ka number hai?” ‘ UP20 belongs to Bijnor, so it may be for Ghaziabad, Noida or Meerut ‘, i replied with laziness. (due to his peculiar kind of voice i was confirmed about who asked this question but was surprised why he had asked this question because there was a proverb -“ he knows everything”- which we all used to admire his knowledge. Thank God i got the privilege to be his colleague. A walking encyclopedia. Now i seldom need to go for “Google Search” for any information. But he angrily snaps, ‘stop teasing me’. “Don’t worry soon you will become complete ‘google search engine”, I want to say looking at his furious face. )

Before i could question-‘what you have to deal with UP16?’- I noticed that everyone except me was peeking out of cab excitedly. So i did. ‘Oh! This is the matter’- i smiled. I noticed even the driver in his 50’s who turned excited at the steering, trying to utter wordlessly ‘Let me catch her’, defying the notion that excitement gets diminished with growing age, was impregnating charged occupant’s stomach with jerk making abrupt cut with different combinations of gear, brake and acceleration.

I looked at the bike. Number plate read UP16. ‘Oh! Beta isliye pooch rahe the UP16......’, i commented with a smile. The macho-girl was impeccably able to draw anyone’s attention because of rareness of the scene, a girl-slim, tall and model like look-driving a bike. Everyone looked at her face. “ abe ye to L&T me hi job karti hai”-someone spoke. Apart from her being a girl everyone was familiar with her face because of her fashion smeared look and attitude. Her face itself cleared the query about UP16 since almost everyone in cab was known about her being from Noida.

‘See here... who says UP is not forward and advanced?’ , my mind said to me sarcastically. ‘Thanks to Bahin Kumari Mayawati and Mulayam singh like Local Politicians for developing UP upto such advancement.’

*GET-graduate engineer trainee

Thursday, December 16, 2010

ग़ज़ल : शरारत तो देखो वक़्त की

शरारत तो देखो वक़्त की,
इंसान को क्या कर दिया
राख छू कर कह रहा है
आग में गर्मी नही है !

गर तेरी नादानगी को मैंने

यू ही मुस्करा के टाल दिया,
मत बोल शीतलता देख मेरी
खून में गर्मी नही है!

वक़्त के संग चलना है तो
कुछ चाल फरेब सीख ले
भाई वक़्त के इस दौर में
ईमान की कीमत नही है!

कैसे समझोगे भला तुम
क्या दिल की मेरे आरजू है
दर्द है मुझको भी, बस
रोने की फितरत नही है!

खुद-व-खुद जानोगे; संग मेरे
दो कदम चल कर तो देखो,
मुटठी भर हृदय मेरा
समंदर से कम नही है!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Euphoric Night

“Hello Amit, kaise yaad kiya?”

“Rahul, get ready for ratri after navratri. I am coming.”

“ I am not willing to go yaar.” you have to come definitely.”

“Chal dekhta hoon”

“ No..No..dekhta hoon nahi, you have to ...that’s why i have called you. Otherwise i had sent you a message just for formality.”

( I chuckled.... i know Amit you have free messages. Anyways thanks for your calling- this kind of thought came to my mind)

“ ok bhai, come. Will go with you.”

I reached polo club ground at nearly 9:15 in the night. Enough crowd of L&T employees and their families enjoying the night was present there. 8 to 10 people as a team standing on a stage were singing the Garba songs which being in Gujrati language were not able to evoke me that sensation which Gujratis might have felt. Half the crowd with bare footed was dancing on the green grass ground and the rest were watching their dance. Also, i along with my friends joined the audience but few minutes later i felt myself alone since all my friends had joined the dancing crowd.

I felt bored after 10 to 15 minutes in spite of beauty being all around. I was loath for standing there. My reluctance changed to willingness as soon as she appeared in the dancing crowd. Entire ambience had changed. Her glimpse swallowed all my boredom and made me feel enthusiastic and energetic. My heart beat increased and blood started circulating in the same ratio. My arteries and veins could feel the pressure and blood flow which was higher than normal. Now the same songs and music had ample appeal to cause my body to flow in the current of music. The green-grass-ground appeared as much attractive as it should have been to have the privilege for having touch of her gentle feet. My legs were craving to move with music beats and my heart was urging to my mind “ c’mon Rahul, let’s join the dancing crowd.”

I came back out of the standing crowd and put off my sandals in the side of a tree where some other shoes and chappals were also lying. My bare feet marched excitedly towards the dancing-people-circle but hovered there at its periphery where other people like me in one way- I mean posture but entirely different in another way, where I could hear the unuttered words-‘what a beautiful night!’- reflecting through their eyes but my utterless urge was that night was beautiful and grandeur because of her, were also standing along me enjoying the rapturous event.

I started looking at the people’s dancing style in order to grasp those steps they were performing repeatedly. In Garba dance you have to be in the harmony with the other dancing people with their forward-backward steps movement along with their moving arms and turn 360 degree about your heals and move along the periphery of the circle. To participate in this dance one should be wearing ‘kurta’ but I was in half sleeve white shirt and jeans which were differentiating me with some others in my kind of apparels from kurta wearing people. ‘but who cares for dress. Let me enter the dancing crowd’, I was still contemplating, meanwhile, that elated effulgent face was again in front of my eyes after completing one round. She was wearing in pink –lilac lehenga choli and a light blue chunri with design in white print on it. A perforated belt in silver, wrapped over one end of chunri covering her belly, was shining around her waist. One end of chunri was hanging upto her knees and other was touching her back passing over her right shoulder. Three bangles in water green and black mix colour around each of her fair wrist and small size jhumki made in gold with diamond like crystals were glittering hanging in her ear lobs. Her shoulder long open hair, springing harmonically as she was dancing, were clearly expressing her ecstatic state. Above all, her beautiful smile was increasing my heart beat. My juvenile virgin heart eager to bid her three magical English words became restless and was trying to conquer my mind. But my mind being mature enough against juvenile heart controlled my feelings. I, again, discriminated my heart by suppressing its feelings…….

Finally i jumped into the ring of dancing crowd and reached my friends or rather, more precisely, I should say colleagues since we were there because of our profession. Amit tried to this naïve those garba steps but this tenderfoot could not imitate in that short period of time. My eyes were stuck at her wishing night were endless and those beautiful moments were being carved on my few byte-memory-disc.

Friday, October 22, 2010

कोई मुझे बतलाये तो

कितना विस्तृत अम्बर है
और कहाँ तक उसकी सीमा
कहाँ से उगती है भानु किरण
फिर और कहाँ छिप जाती है
कोई मुझे बतलाये तो

हम ठहरे कुएं के मेंढ़क !

पेड़ो की शाखों की रोनक
कौन उड़ा ले जाता है
और कुछ दिन के बाद पुनः
क्यूँ वापस दे जाता है
नभ में उड़ने वाले पंछी
किस तारे पर रहते हैं
नभ से भू और भू से नभ
क्या क्या संदेशें लाते हैं
कोई मुझे बतलाये तो
हम ठहरे कुएं के मेंढ़क !

क्या होता है सडको पर, जो
अक्सर ढोल नगाड़े बजते हैं

और कभी अचानक से गलियों में
क्यूँ सन्नाटा छा जाता है
बोर्डर से चलती गोली की
आवाज़ तो मुझको आती है
क्या होता है बोर्डर पर
कोई मुझे बतलाये तो
हम ठहरे कुएं के मेंढ़क !

hold my hand

i saw you in the crowd
coral lips and rosy cheeks
you there far from me
cause me feel no to fine
hold my hand, so that
i can say you are mine.
endless twinkle in your eyes
a strand digging your cheek
a grin shining at your face
gives me feeling of sun rise
hold my hand, so that
i can say you are mine.
i feel you always with me
your fragrance in the air
your arrival in my dreams
make me feel on cloud nine
hold my hand, so that
i can say you are mine.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Two persons unknown to each other shake hands and say ‘friends’. How exciting and beautiful style or technique of friendship it appears. Really awesome. I have been applying this filmy funda for friendship with first-time-met-new-face from school to college to company (my first company where i am presently jobbed). Every time I came in contact and talked to almost everyone in the class (or GETs in case of my first job at L&T) and i always extended a hand of friendship with a grin and also elicited the same. But every time i found that my frequency of friendship matched to very few and my friends circle was confined to 8 to 10 members.

During performing the ritual of hand shake for matching my friendship frequency i met this guy, and now he is one of those 8 to 10 friends close to me in L&T. I don’t want to reveal his name as well as of that girl because i am going to write his feelings for that girl, both working in the same office. The first thing i noticed about that Indore boy is his sincerity and generosity. Being a interactive person he interacted to her and in the process of interaction she caught his heart beat; heart beat for friendship. Days passed, friendship evolved, both came closer, walked together, took their breakfast and lunch at the same table, he offered namkeen and biscuit, walked by the Fatehganj street, offered juice (she needs it for her good physique to match with him), more talk, travelled for company up and down in the same bus sitting aside to each other so close that each was able to feel the fragrance and odour of other upto skin deep. Having a special privilege due to friendship i was shared his feelings and so i could understand his heart stuffed with feelings of something for her but i could see clearly that his feelings were exceeding the domain of friendship i mean it was something more than friendship.

Often he shared or i was able to catch what running in his mind for her. One day in happy mood he was saying to me that girls should be appreciated for their beauty otherwise how they would come to know that they are being noticed. ‘You are looking beautiful , he said for grasping her attention as well as make her feel that at least there is someone whose eyes read her very carefully. As usual both were sitting in the bus aside to each other. She was listening songs with her ears stuffed with the ear phone while this man wanted to talk to her. He interrupted her. ‘Sometime give rest to your ears yaar’ he said with a grin. But her reaction made him sad. She replied something which was meaning ‘i don’t want to talk, why should I talk to you.’ This made him feel disrespect. This upset childish man came to his flat without speaking a single word. ‘Till date no body spoke to me in such a manner. Enough is enough. No more hi bye’, all he was saying to me in anger but in spite of anger I could see his soft feelings for her in his eyes and voice.

* hey buddy don't be upset. just put your hand on your heart and say " all is well !!!"

Saturday, October 2, 2010

who M i ?

I am a good singer. My fans listen me by stuffing their ears with their fingers.

Except theatre i can’t watch complete movie on TV or Lapy in one go.

I can’t spend more than 20 rupees for a pen.

I am habitual of sleeping. Can sleep for complete day and night.­­­­

I am unable to recollect even a single night that no dream came to my conscious.

Till few days back i was habitual of nightmare. But now she comes in my dreams.

I can’t shop alone.

I am happy-go-lucky-attitude person.

I am always ready for any exam provided the question paper should be objective type.

Ludo is the only game i am champion in. Unfortunately, no ludo match is played at international level.

If somebody asks me ‘what’s your rashi?’ i say ‘kanya’ since i like kanya.

My friends say that i give ambiguous and wicked smile.

I am religious but never went to mandir, maszid or church.

The fruit i resemble most is sugarcane –straight and sweet.

I respect girls. I love mankind. Girls are part of mankind.

I am shy and ambivert person.

I say ‘no’ to alcohol and smoking irrespective of the person who is offering it.

My teeth start paining when they look at non-veg. I reserve ‘no’ for non veg.

I ran for 100 meter race and found that i was few seconds behind Usain Bolt.

The only animal i like to ride is tiger.

I like to watch serious comedy. Seriously!

I have a heart which sometimes try to overcome my mind.

The vehicle that attracts me most is Tempo because of its similarity with aeroplane.

The thing that irritates me most is smell of omlet..

I pray for her daily since i know she always do the same for me. I love my mom.

The fruit i like most is water melon because it can be shared among a number of people. I believe in “mil baat kar khao”.

I am rahul rajput with an average build having height 168 cm and weight 64 kg. Still unable to find out my complexion grade exactly since i don’t have any scale to measure like cm and kg.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Colony of losers [part-1]

She was lying on a bed surrounded by 3-4 women and a midwife. The walls of the room were clearly able to feel her scream and pain. The pain of delivery was not appearing so much troubling to her since she knew that it was limited to the delivery. But some other kind of prolonged pain could be felt in her eyes. It was the pain of anxiety, pain of fear if this time again she would give birth to a girl; as she had already three daughters but now presently she had only two since one of them, unfortunately or fortunately; i don’t know, died at an age of three months and few days.

As soon as the baby was able to take its separate breathe, coming out of the womb of its mother, its cries were enough to create the vibration in the air molecules present in the room. As the baby’s cries penetrated her ears, a smile of happiness and relax spreaded at her face. She was happy and relaxed not because the pain of delivery was over but she was sure that this time she had given birth to a boy since the pitch of the cry was different than that of those girl babies and she was proved right in distinguishing the pitch of voice as the surrounding women gave their compliments-“congratulations”. The irony is that she was never bidden “congratulation” before for the same. I feel surprised and shocked why people discriminate their own children.

The new born baby was lying under the shade of his mother. Everyone present there was wishing a bright future to the baby. But who can predict looking at new born baby’s face what he or she will become in life. The first thing that comes to mind is it may be a pandit, palmist or astrologer. But personally i don’t believe these professionals.

His grandparents were predicting or expecting what he will become in his life. It was mere love and affection which was driving them to predict or guess about his future-all the sentences uttered in different ways but ultimately converging to a single meaning-“successful man”. One more person who was predicting the same -“ beta ek din tu bada aadmi banega”- was his illiterate mother. Basically it was the expectation rather than prediction.

But all the predictions and expectations were proving wrong as he was growing up. He grew in such a deprived society environment where nothing was there to create and encourage the urge in him to learn and study. In spite of his disinterest towards his study he studied upto metric. After that he left school because of reluctance as well as unavailability of means for further study. He had to work in the fields with his father in the village. This work also made him tired within two or three years.

He was innate talented but who cared for him? None. He was a great lover of colours- a good artist; a good painter. So he decided to go out of the well and was firm determined that one day e would colour on the canvas of sky and people would look at. He left his home for achieving his dreams. He struggled but having no platform as well as no financial support it became tough and tough to bring his dreams into reality. Still he continued and sustained against all the problems that came in the path. He passed all his prime time of his life in the struggle. He was so dedicated for his work that he never felt the necessity of life partner. He continued his work of painting but no one was there to appreciate even his master piece. He struggled and struggled and struggled and reached fifty years of age without having any taste of success. This discouraged and hopeless soul made his last painting and wrote “loser” instead of his name at the right bottom corner of the painting.

He left his profession as well as city and went to a peculiar city which was known for a particular colony- a colony of unsuccessful and losers. He started living there hopeless and without self-esteem. But gradually he resumed his profession because all the people living there used to appreciate each other’s work. Without caring for fame and awards he started again the same work with the same name but happily.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

memorable Prayag-2010(continued)

Let I again start the fun and masti of Prayag. Whatevler the session was going on but the boys were busy in their own matter of talking to each other. I don’t know what kind of talks used to go among the crowd but in my vicinity girls were always the hot topic for time pass. That was why I could observe more about girls. As I was continue with the description of girls, I think its enough but how I can forget two more girls.

One was lady Ankita who was important to all 116 since she was the only personality who often used to come on the dais to entertain us and above that she was from the HR team. And the other was important to me. The one whom I like and the very first glimpse of that sweet and innocent girl made me feel that the heart was not only a low-frequency-vibratory-part of the human body.

The great lady Ankita is one of the important characters of historic Prayag 2010. This lady is a complete story in herself also which starts from her interview how she was recruited by L&T. (it’s a long story… some other time) because of noise in the auditorium she almost daily used to appear screeching at the boys and girls and bombarding the same paragraph with words like ‘corporate’ and ‘decorum’. (she should not have screeched at the girls since girls are the most decent and peace loving creature in the world…..really! ha…)

“guys, this is the corporate block. Senior officials and foreign delegates come here daily. So please maintain the decorum.” Probably I heard the word decorum first time here. But as we were bombarded by this paragraph countless times, ‘decorum’ became as much familiar as my friends. Now I had one more friend-‘decorum’.

I started to think to understand ‘corporate’ and ‘decorum’ in more depth. I got that there is a close relation between these two. Upto my understanding I came to the conclusion that corporate is nothing until and unless the decorum is not there and the decorum is the only important thing corporate is working for to achieve.

Now let move to Hazira trip. To get an industrial exposure, Hazira plant visit was in the schedule of Prayag. Instructions were given regarding safety majors and what we had to be dressed like. We had to leave for Hazira at 5 o’clock in the morning. So I slept that night early. I was in deep sleep.

I was on Hazira trip. I was sitting in the bus with my friends enjoying the journey. Suddenly the great lady appeared and started screeching with her paragraph…. ‘guys this is not your college bus. This is the corporate bus. Senior officials sit in this bus daily. Mr. A.M.Naik or Mr. Ravi Uppal may board the bus any time on the way. So please maintain the decorum.’

Meanwhile, my mobile alarm rang. I woke up. It was 4 o’clock in the morning. Thank God it was the dream. I left the room at 5 o’clock hoping that at least today I would not hear that kind of paragraph in the bus.

The trip was really enjoyable. We returned late in the night. Like my dream nothing happened during the trip. I was thankful to the great lady that this time we were not forced to maintain the decorum.

So many people came for the sessions during the entire Prayag but now I can recall only one person Mr. Juda. He was for two days session for sprinkling of masti or mare than that. I don’t know whether I learnt something from that session but I am sure that we all boys enjoyed those two days. No comment for girls.

Prayag reached its closing and all GETs were invited by L&T for party at surya hotel. This was my first chance to be present in this kind of party-corporate party. Here again girls caught my attention. All girls were looking gorgeous. Even she was also looking great. Most of the girls were flaunting their shoulders and waxed and smooth legs below their knees. In spite of trying to control, my eyes were slipping over their smooth and glowing skin. It was not my mistake. It is the smell of flowers which attracts bugs…… Being Tajmahal in front of eyes, who would like to close his eyes?

This was the last day of Prayag. After valedictory ceremony we were returning from the company by bus. This was the last time that we were in the bus with each other since from the next day everyone had to go to different places like Chennai, Nagpur or Vadodara itself. Everyone wanted to enjoy that halfan hour journey. On request the song choli ke peechhey kya hai…’was played. As the music of this song hit the ears, bus was full of halla-gulla. I suddenly stood up and looked all around the bus. Thank God Mr. R&D and Mr. thoughtful kind of people were not in the bus. I was worried because this kind of people could put nonsense question any time. If they had been in the bus, probably they might ask, “excuse me, can you tell me what is inside the choli? Or what is the scope of choli in R&D?” Everybody enjoyed that half an hour journey.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

कैसे मैं कहूं...

On the eve of krishna janmashtmi,
I pray for you.
You are in my heart.
May god give you all the happiness in life.

बड़ी नाजुक है ये कली
हे इश्वर इसे शक्ति देना
इत्र की शीशी है ये
इसे और खुशबू देना
बड़ा मासूम है चेहरा
इसे और कान्ति देना
मुस्कराती रहे हमेशा
एसे रंग जिंदगी में देना

Monday, August 30, 2010

Team manthan

After an engineering college life it was my first day in the corporate world. In the auditorium I was sitting surrounded by the crowd of engineers where every face was unfamiliar to me and my eyes were crawling from one corner to another corner of auditorium. To know and to interact with each other we were made to play various kind of activities. Now some of the crowd was no more stranger to me.

We all were divided in ten groups each having 11 or 12 members and every team had to perform a technical presentation after a couple of weeks. I was confident for standing first in the presentation because I was in the team.

We were 11 and I suggested the name of the group as ‘ Team Manthan.’ Although I can’t recall the names of all 11 since I m very poor in practice of memorizing the name of people but I am sure that we were eight boys and three girls in Team Manthan. Out of all teams there was max number of girls in our team. So I was feeling happy. Not because of girls being in the team but because I was conceding these three girls as the ‘Nari Shakti’ of the team. As many times I have read or heard that behind every successful man there is a woman-‘Nari Shakti.’ So I became over confident for my confidant-‘Nari Shakti.’

Being women power behind the Team Manthan’s back, finally we did really well. Team Manthan stood third in technical presentation, second in mega quiz and first in overall performance. But unfortunately we got these first, second and third from last.

Holi Geet

  होली है रंगीले, मेरा रंग दे जिया  होली है रंगीले, मेरा रंग दे जिया आजा आज खेलें रंग आजा पिया  होली है रंगीले, मेरा रंग दे जिया आजा आज खेले...