Monday, August 30, 2010

Team manthan

After an engineering college life it was my first day in the corporate world. In the auditorium I was sitting surrounded by the crowd of engineers where every face was unfamiliar to me and my eyes were crawling from one corner to another corner of auditorium. To know and to interact with each other we were made to play various kind of activities. Now some of the crowd was no more stranger to me.

We all were divided in ten groups each having 11 or 12 members and every team had to perform a technical presentation after a couple of weeks. I was confident for standing first in the presentation because I was in the team.

We were 11 and I suggested the name of the group as ‘ Team Manthan.’ Although I can’t recall the names of all 11 since I m very poor in practice of memorizing the name of people but I am sure that we were eight boys and three girls in Team Manthan. Out of all teams there was max number of girls in our team. So I was feeling happy. Not because of girls being in the team but because I was conceding these three girls as the ‘Nari Shakti’ of the team. As many times I have read or heard that behind every successful man there is a woman-‘Nari Shakti.’ So I became over confident for my confidant-‘Nari Shakti.’

Being women power behind the Team Manthan’s back, finally we did really well. Team Manthan stood third in technical presentation, second in mega quiz and first in overall performance. But unfortunately we got these first, second and third from last.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Memorable PRAYAG 2010

26 june; around 2 pm, at my home sitting on the chair putting palm on my chin I was deep in my thoughts giving the expressions as if trying to say, “don’t disturb, great mind at work!”
Meanwhile, I was distracted from my great work of thinking. Somebody was knocking at the door. I opened the gate and saw the postman standing before me holding his usual stuff-‘mails’. I wanted to shout at him why he had diverted me but before I could shout he handed over a letter to me. As soon as the L&T logo on the envelope caught my eyes, my mood had changed. It was the joining letter from L&T. without taking a next breath I opened the envelope to know the joining date and place. I leafed through the pages of offer letter 2-3 times with curiosity.
Days were passing day by day and joining date, 28 july, was marching close and closer. Days for rest were over and finally I arrived at Vadodara on 27 july. In the morning at 8:30 am on 28 july I reached L&T knowledge city. First day of my job!
Fresh engineers-fresh in mind and physique-from various colleges of india constituting a flock of 116 guys and girls joined L&T as GET-2010. Joining formalities were carried out within couple of days. Some HR official announced that orientation program ‘PRAYAG-2010’ of one month duration would commence on Monday,2 august.
As I heard the word ‘PRAYAG’ , my innovative, naughty and over smart mind processed the meaning of the word ‘PRAYAG’ faster than the super computer. And within few milliseconds I came with the conclusion that GET flock would go to Prayag for a dip in the confluence of three rivers for purification of our soul. Since L&T, a great value company, perhaps needs fresh engineers- not only in mind and physique but also in soul! Really?
My writings are the back up for my memory. Whenever I forget the interesting and funful events and moments of my life, I go through my lines and it causes smile on my lips. This is secret of my happiness, no need of life sucking stuff-smoke and alcohol. I feel that whenever someone feels anxiety or tensed, he should think of the colorful and pleasureful moments of his past. Definitely it will bring smile. I perceive that if a questionnaire regarding human habits is prepared and the one of the question is ‘can you smile? Yes or no. definitely answer is yes. But if you are asked, ‘can you smile really?’ answer may be in no. so always keep smiling.
Enough philosophy. Let us come to ‘PRAYAG’. A no. of boring sessions (not all but most of them) were bombarded at us from the very first day of prayag. Who was interested in the boring sessions? Definitely there were few guys like Mr. R&D, Mr. thoughtful and some more. These kind of people were always having amusing image but I don’t want to bore myself and others by describing these people. So let’s move to another interesting topic-girls. Whenever I see a beautiful face, a sher comes to my mind:
Jahan dekhi hanseen surat, machal utha dil-e-nadan;
Ye hi lunga, ye hi lunga, ye hi lunga.
But I have noticed that in present time it does not fit for boys so I have made some minute change in the sher :
Jahan dekhi hanseen surat, machal utha dil-e-nadan;
Ye bhi lunga, ye bhi lunga, wo bhi lunga.
Prayag started, every one occupied his seat in the auditorium where beautiful faces were in the front two rows. Although, only a couple of faces were beautiful in crowd of girls but I don’t want to make annoyed rest of girls by discriminating them on the basis of their beauty. Sorry if I had ever thought of this kind of differences. So rather than saying a couple of beautiful girls I like to call them by the name ‘kanya’ since this word does not reveal the beauty. Hence no discrimination. And moreover I follow- ‘all girls are beautiful in the dark.’
Now let me recall the names of kanyas who participated in prayag-rucha, puja, prakruti-a girl against prakriti, p_ravina, jyoss, juhi….and….and….and….although I never talked to any of them but few faces would always remain in my memory for their some hat ke peculiarities. And these peculiarities were responsible for christening of their nick name. like TATA Ace- apna chhota hathi. Another nickname for same girl was DAKIYA (postman) since always hanging a bag at her shoulder very similar to that of postman. These nicknames cause non sense discussion and good time pass creating wave of laugh through the circle of friends. The charm of relevant nicknames is that now whenever I see a tata ace vehicle, it makes me remember of that girl. Another features of tata ace includes her hair style and attire giving her psycho look which say to me –‘kaidi aaj hi jail se chhoota hai!’
Another nickname- kaam wali bai. A girl with open hair and some bhavoot (ashes) on her forehead. Her bhavoot made me feel as if she was washing the bartans with rakh (ash) and some of rakh stuck to her forehead. Always making noise – che-che-che…complete chatter box like a real bai.
One more nickname-daku haseena. A girl covering her face in white clothe and sharp eyes covered with black goggles on a mission of robbery in Hollywood style.
to be continued....

Holi Geet

  होली है रंगीले, मेरा रंग दे जिया  होली है रंगीले, मेरा रंग दे जिया आजा आज खेलें रंग आजा पिया  होली है रंगीले, मेरा रंग दे जिया आजा आज खेले...