Saturday, July 3, 2010

A cup of coffee

Every moment of my life i am living becomes the part of my past, as the each moment passes. When i think about my past, i realize that it is a vast book containing different pages, chapters of my life i have lived till date. Although every line of the book belongs to me but whether i can recollect all the pages? No, absolutely not. These pages, chapters are out of domain of my approach since either i am not interested for those forgotten moments or these are unimportant, just crap! What i still remember comes under the category ‘memories’. The speciality of the chapter ‘memories’ is that it always produce only two kind of feelings, emotions on our face depending upon the reflection of mirror of memory which always reflects two type of passed moment either happy or sad. Although life is all about pleasure and pain but we remember only those moments which are extreme or something different from usual pleasure or pain.

When today i am at my home waiting for my joining i think that two months before i was in my college enjoying last days of my college life, i go deep and deep in the clouds of memories and i am lost in the memorable past. A big smile spreads on my lips again and again. The four years of my engineering were really full of masti. I realize that i lived there four years as if i had been on a four years long holiday package. I lived there according to me, no punctualities in life. The one thing i noticed that i never needed to say ‘i don’t have time’. Let’s see what happens in my coming days.

On weekend every Friday night i walked with my friends along the streets of Bistupur, main market of Jamshedpur and the favourite time pass spot for all NITians. As usual for no purpose this time we were taking round of the market, visiting different showrooms. I do still remember that moment when we all guys were passing time in the showroom of Bata. The shopkeeper came to us and said ‘are you from XLRI?’

‘No, we are from NIT’ someone among us replied.

Hearing ‘are you from XLRI’ we felt the respect in the eyes of that shopkeeper and one of my friend Akhilesh said to me, ‘had been from XLRI’.

‘One day you will be in top ranked B-school, wish you all the best.’ I just said in my heart.

Now, this is my most recent memories attached to Jamshedpur. Most probably it was my second last time in Jamshedpur, last may be at the time of convocation, since i had gone there for my provisional certificate. That night i had dinner in blooms with my friends. At 10 pm we came out of the restaurant but we all wanted to spend more time in Bistupur since it was probably the last moment that we all five guys were there with each other. But we had no more options for time pass as the market had been closed. So we walked to a shop for mashala cold drink. Then we were just walking purposelessly, we noticed CCD was open. So we decided to have coffee with the concept of GTPS(get together pay separately). None was there in CCD other than us. Obviously waiters were there as usual they are expected. We were talking in the good ambience of CCD, a man came inside and asked, ‘is that your car?’ one of my friend moved to the door of CCD looking at the car as if he also had parked his car somewhere in front of the cafe and said, ‘oh, that scorpio! Sorry, it’s not mine.’ We came to know that somebody had parked that scorpio in front of his car that’s why he was searching for the owner of that car. We laughed that a cup of coffee made us owner of scorpio. I finished that cup of coffee saying goodbye Jamshedpur.

Holi Geet

  होली है रंगीले, मेरा रंग दे जिया  होली है रंगीले, मेरा रंग दे जिया आजा आज खेलें रंग आजा पिया  होली है रंगीले, मेरा रंग दे जिया आजा आज खेले...